Tax calculator

Purchase price (Before taxes) : 0 $

TPS paid by the individual (Purchase price x 5%) 0$ ( More details )

Rebate percentage 36%

Subtotal (maximum : 6 300 $) 0$

• If the purchase price is less than 350 000 $, multiply by 1
• If the purchase price is between 350 000 $ et 450 000 $,
• multiply the result by the following equation :
(450 000 $ - purchase price)/100 000 x0.0000

TPS rebate granted to the individual 0$

Subtotal 0$

Subtotal (après TPS et remboursement de TPS) : 0$

TVQ paid by the individual (Purchase price x 9,975%) 0$ (Less details)

Rebate percentage 50%

Subtotal (maximum : 9 975.00 $) 0$

• If the purchase price is less than 200 000 $, multiply by 1
• If the purchase price is between 200 000 $ and 300 000 $,
• multiply the result by the following equation :
(300 000 $ - purchase price)/100 000 x0.0000

TVQ rebate granted to the individual 0$

Subtotal 0$

Net purchase price (After taxes et refunds) : 0$

NOTE: Pour un résultat « qui balance », notamment avec le formulaire FP-2190.c, mieux vaut annoter le contrat préliminaire en fonction des résultats ci-haut.